Boozy Brew Kombucha 醞釀發酵茶全新品牌理念及包裝正式上線!
全新品牌理念「Brew The Moment 所有時刻 都需要醞釀」,我們希望用漫長的發酵時間,精心準備的創新口味,最真誠的雙手和內心,透過手中的每一瓶「醞釀發酵茶」,分享「醞釀」精心細味,慢活感受的生活態度,一齊醞釀健康人生!
Thank you all for your love and support! ️
Boozy Brew Kombucha's new brand concept and packaging are now officially launched!
"Brew The Moment" is our new brand concept, we hope after a long fermentation time, elaborate preparation of innovative taste with our most sincere attitude, through every boozy brew kombucha to share " Brewing" is a life attitude of slow-living, and brews a healthy life together!
During our new product launch celebration period, the whole line of boozy brew kombucha is 10% off. There is also a set of 6 flavors for early birds, with an amazing deal of six enjoyment! Without further ado, place an order now on our website!